Wednesday, July 22, 2009

World War III - Bots Attack

Ever heard of Bots attack? The technical name is “Distributed Denial of Services Attack.”

Keeping it very simple, well this is how it works. A bot-neck is a network of one lakh nodes. Using software, one can launch millions of info bombs at a target node from the bot nodes, crashing all defenses, bringing the network down, thereby denying total services at the nodes.

The info-bombs can be as simple as spam, phishing, and millions of packets of simple information. These are capable of bringing down services of large and critical infrastructures such as central banks, auction website. A full-fledged attack can last for days

Bot attackers can extort hefty sums of money, for not blocking services. The website/infrastructure owners would lose transactions worth millions; if a DDOS attack is launched targeting them

When bots attack, they create ‘zombies’. These are PCs with no defense, and the software uses these nodes to send out millions of bots to the targeted nodes

These attacks are distributed, and deny services at the targeted nodes; hence they are called Distributed Denial of Services attack.

Well, it is not only a threat to national security; I’d say that the next World War will be fought online.

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